projet HD 3000The ProJet HD 3000 prints precision, durable plastic parts ideal for functional testing, design communication, rapid manufacturing, rapid tooling and more. The Projet HD 3000 print in two adjustable resolutions, which differ in speed and quality. In HD mode, this Projet prints 298 x 185 x 203 mm with a resolution of 32 µ (microns) per layer. In precise UHD mode it prints 127 x 178 x 152 mm at a thickness of 29 µ. Generally, the smaller the layer thickness is, the longer the production time is. 

The Projet HD 3000 can print both moving parts, such as complex and even inaccessible internal geometries printing. The products are built from VisiJet filling materials in the standard gray and blue color that deliver consistently high accuracy. 

VisiJet® S300 Support Material is used in the ProJet 5000 Production Printer and is supplied in larger 2.0kg bottles to match the higher output capability of the larger printer. It is available in three strength grades and several colors. It provides for hands-free, melt-away removal from even the most inaccessible geometry features and internal spaces with no damage to the most delicate part features. 

For those products which needs to be printed to the micro-level, 3D Systems supplies the HD 3000 in a Plus version. It has resolution of 750 x 750 x 1600 dpi and a layer thickness of 16 µ for extreme high definition mode printing. Therefore it prints products with a higher accuracy in micro-detail and a smoother surface. 

The Projet Accelerator software processes 3D documents in a format of STL and SLC.

Watch here a video about the Projet HD 3000:

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